News & Articles: Insurance

Stay up to date with the latest news and happenings with the Lifetime blog. A library of thought-provoking articles to inform and enlighten on all things loans, insurance, investments and planning. 

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Understanding Income Protection Insurance and Tax Deductions

Whether you're a business owner or earning a salary, income protection insurance can offer valuable financial security in uncertain times. But did you know that you may also be able to claim the cost of your income protection insurance as a tax deduction?

30 May 2024 by Lifetime in Accounting, Insurance
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A Safety Net in the Sun: Health Insurance's Vital Role in Melanoma Treatment

Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, presents a significant health concern in New Zealand, with the country ranking second globally in skin cancer diagnosis rates, closely following Australia. The high incidence of skin cancer in New Zealand can be attributed to several factors, including elevated UV levels compared to equivalent latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, with a 40% increase in UV radiation during the summer months due to the sun's elliptical orbit[1]. Despite efforts to raise awareness about sun protection measures, the fatality rate for diagnosed cases in New Zealand is notably higher than that of neighbouring countries.

27 February 2024 by Emily Wheatley in Insurance
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Building Successful Financial Habits: Mastering Money Basics for a Bright Future

At 5 pm every second Tuesday, the alarm in my mind never fails to go off to remind me that it is payday. I’m sure you’ll agree that there are few things better than the feeling of seeing fresh money enter your bank account (I will admit that going toe-to-toe with The Chaser in front of the family is a close second). When payday swings around, I often find that there are two mindsets people have...

18 July 2023 by Lifetime in Insurance, Financial Literacy
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Facing a cash crunch? Let's go back to the drawing board...

In the face of rising interest rates and the increasing cost of everyday items at the supermarket, more and more households are finding it harder to get by.

Many New Zealanders are finding themselves back at square one, redesigning their personal budgets in hopes that they can free up some funds. While this task may appear daunting, it also provides an opportunity to weed out some unnecessary spending and shed a light on areas where improvements could be made.

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Four budget changes to consider when starting a family

Starting a family can be one of the most rewarding milestones a couple can experience. And one of the most stressful.

Planning for your first child might seem like a daunting and overwhelming task, but managing your finances need not be when you have a good idea of what to expect and how to budget around it.

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The Cost Of Choice

In New Zealand, a lot of us rely on the public health system for treatment. Why would we pay for medical insurance when our government can fund treatment for us?

Barbara was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and given only 12 months to live. Chemotherapy was the only treatment available in the public system and she wanted to look for other options. 

19 December 2019 by Jena McKenzie in Health, Insurance
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Health Feature; Coeliac Disease & Financial Risk Protection

As a Coeliac and a Financial Adviser, I have been asking myself several questions about how best to protect myself and my Coeliac daughter from the financial effects of any future illness. Additionally, how much do insurance companies actually understand about Coeliac Disease? And how do they treat us when it comes to assessing our risks of ill health?

29 November 2019 by Lifetime in Health, Insurance
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Rae's Story

With a very saddened heart we are sharing this story on behalf of Raewyn Thomas, our Mortgage Adviser from the Wellington office. Raewyn has been delivered the most devastating news possible, that she has lung cancer and its terminal with a very shortened life expectancy. 

This is Rae’s story that we are sharing with her permission.

30 September 2019 by Lifetime in Stories, Insurance, Financial Planning, Health
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Protecting your prosperity

Paying for trauma cover might seem like an avoidable expense, but it can prove vital to safeguarding your financial standing should the worst happen, says Lifetime financial adviser Nathaniel Byers.

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Four crucial conversations you need to have with your financial adviser

The support of an expert financial adviser can make a real difference to your financial health. Lifetime’s Emily Wheatley advises on the four most important questions you should ask your adviser.

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Why every couple needs a joint financial plan

Setting clear money goals as a couple can pay real ‘dividends’ for both your bank account and relationship. Lifetime financial adviser Chané Berghorst explains what you need to consider when drawing up a shared plan. 

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Group health insurance: four pitfalls companies need to avoid

Health benefits can play a critical role in retaining existing staff and attracting new talent to your organisation. Lifetime financial adviser Carmen Lapthorne warns business owners and HR managers against making these common mistakes.

12 November 2018 by Carmen Lapthorne in Group Insurance, Insurance
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What AMP's changes in New Zealand mean for you

Over 10,000 of our Lifetime clients have AMP policies and investments. Lifetime Group’s Managing Director Peter Cave explores the impact AMP’s New Zealand disinvestment is likely to have on you.

31 October 2018 by Lifetime in AMP, Insurance, Investments, KiwiSaver
preview image - When a financial adviser needs to claim: ‘I learnt not all health insurance plans are created equal’

When a financial adviser needs to claim: ‘I learnt not all health insurance plans are created equal’

From relying on only Pharmac-subsidised drugs to thinking you’re fully covered by your work health insurance, Lifetime adviser Lisa Davis warns of the common mistakes we make when selecting health insurance and how best to avoid them.

5 September 2018 by Lifetime in Insurance, Group Insurance, Health
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How smart business owners manage key staff losses

The right insurance can be the answer to navigating the uncertain seas ahead.  But what exactly should business owners do to get the most bang for their buck? 

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How would you cope with this scenario?

Medical insurance is so much more than just paying for surgery. It is paying for you and your family to never have to answer, "How would you cope"

27 February 2018 by Lifetime in Insurance, Health, Stories
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Six financial resolutions to make in 2018

Make it your year to get your finances in order and use your money goals to guide through the next twelve months. Lifetime financial adviser Allan McNaughton reveals the most beneficial resolutions to make.

The end of the year is the perfect time to take stock of your financial situation and plan for greater success in the year to come. Each year I set aside time to review my current financial portfolio and map out my next steps in becoming more financially fit. Whether you want to tackle your debt or start building a wealth portfolio, it’s never too late to start improving your financial bottom line.

8 January 2018 by Lifetime in Financial Planning, KiwiSaver, Investments, Insurance