Market & Portfolio Update – July 2019

31 August 2019 by Lifetime in Market Update, Investments

Market & Portfolio Update – July 2019

Market & Portfolio Update – July 2019

Portfolio returns were solid again in July, led by global share markets rising 3%. While NZ Shares were flat in comparison, this follows our local market gaining 17% over the past year, having been in a “sweet spot” of offering higher dividend yields than the rest of the world along with reasonable economic growth.

The global economy grew at a solid 4% in the second quarter. Companies also continued to report positive earnings growth, despite the political posturing around tariffs and trade. Whilst we continue to keep a close eye on how far these might go, we remain confident that behind the headlines, the wider momentum in business earnings and economic confidence continues to underpin a positive current outlook.

Disclaimer: This article has been prepared for the purpose of providing general information, without taking into consideration any particular investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs.  Any opinions contained in it are held as at the report date and are subject to change without notice.

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