10 Sustainable Gift Ideas

16 December 2019 by Lifetime in Sustainability

10 Sustainable Gift Ideas

For many, Christmas creates pressure to bow to consumeristic, materialistic expectations. This can hurt both our pockets and the environment. We've curated a handy list of 10 sustainable gift ideas, some that are low-to-no cost, with a focus on financial and environmental sustainability. And remember, the best present you can give is to be present. 

10 Sustainable Gift Ideas

1. Homemade Jam / Fruit Preserve

Got a decent fruit tree in your yard? Get picking and make a sweet treat to be enjoyed.

2. Knitted Water Balloons

Simply dunk these little cuties in water and make a splash! No mess, no fuss, all the fun.

3. Cotton Shopping Bag

We all need a good range of shopping bags these days, why not make a statement with a funky design.

4. Electronics-Free Picnic

Ditch the phone and grab a blanket, give the gift of your true presence, interruption free.

5. Metal/Silicone Straws

Cold drinks taste even better through a metal straw, and kids will love the bendy, colourful silicone options.

5. Insulated Water Bottle

We all probably need to hydrate a little more. An insulated metal water bottle is great to keep that water fresh and cold all day long.

6. Coffee Keep Cup

We all know a coffee lover, and many cafes give a discount if you bring your own cup.

7. Top Up Their KiwiSaver

A great idea for the grandparents out there, small contributions add up and grow in time.

8. Tickets To A Local Show

Take someone to an art exhibition, festival, theatre show or even the movies.

9. Beeswax Wraps

There’s always left overs after Christmas lunch and dinner, keep it fresh with nifty reusable beeswax wraps.

10. Money Tree

Sure it’s not quite a managed fund, but it’ll grow like one and is sure to look great in your home or office.

Don’t forget to think about the wrapping and card, get creative and reuse / recycle.

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