Market & Portfolio Update - January 2022

1 February 2022 by Lifetime in Market Update

Market & Portfolio Update - January 2022

The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures show high inflation in major economies across the globe. They reached 7% in the US for 2021, the highest since 1982, they reached 5.9% in NZ, the highest since 1990, and they reached 5.4% in the UK, the highest since 1992. This high inflation is one reason for the central banks interest rate hikes, as higher rates help to counteract inflation.

The USA, UK, Australia, and Spain (among others) have all seen daily recorded covid cases peak and start to fall back in January. While we hope this brings us closer to the end of the pandemic as the virus runs its course, we are watchful as to what this will mean for NZ in the next few months.

You can read more on the current investment market with our recent article A Choppy Start To 2022.

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