The End Of Bonus Bonds

31 August 2020 by Lifetime

The End Of Bonus Bonds

There has been much attention on Bonus Bonds recently with ANZ's announcement to close the scheme. But for the 1.3 million of you with a share of the $3.2 billion held in Bonus Bonds – what should you do? As is often the default position with investment scheme wind-ups, we suggest you sit tight. Now just might be the only time that Bonus Bonds have ever proved to be a worthwhile investment.

This article echos our thoughts nicely.

preview image - How to Teach Kids About Money: Building Financial Literacy from an Early Age

How to Teach Kids About Money: Building Financial Literacy from an Early Age

As parents, we all want our children to grow up confident and capable, especially when it comes to managing their money. Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that’s best nurtured from a young age. Here are some practical tips to help your kids understand the value of money and develop healthy financial habits.

24 July 2024 by Lifetime
preview image - Lifetime Book Club: The Rules of Wealth by Richard Templar

Lifetime Book Club: The Rules of Wealth by Richard Templar

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Lifetime Book Club! This month, we’re exploring The Rules of Wealth by Richard Templar, a guide that lays down the principles for achieving financial success in an accessible and engaging way.

28 June 2024 by Lifetime in Lifetime Book Club