Market & Portfolio Update - August 2020

10 September 2020 by Lifetime in Investments, Market Update

Market & Portfolio Update - August 2020

Global share markets rose nearly 5% in August as investors continue to digest news about ongoing vaccine developments and look for returns in a low interest rate environment.

Australian shares rose over 3% as the Covid-19 outbreak in Victoria eased. This resulted in another month of overall positive returns for funds, even as some uncertainty remains for the general economic backdrop.

For our Booster clients, the portion of members' global shares investments managed by California-based Fisher Investments added value by outperforming the general return on global share markets. This came largely from Fisher’s allocation to technology companies, such as Apple and sales software provider Salesforce. These both benefited from sales being supported by global customers looking to technology solutions to help them and their businesses through the pandemic.

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How to Teach Kids About Money: Building Financial Literacy from an Early Age

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Lifetime Book Club: The Rules of Wealth by Richard Templar

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Lifetime Book Club! This month, we’re exploring The Rules of Wealth by Richard Templar, a guide that lays down the principles for achieving financial success in an accessible and engaging way.

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