Market & Portfolio Update - September 2018

15 October 2018 by Lifetime in Market Update, Investments

Market & Portfolio Update - September 2018

Market & Portfolio Update - September 2018

Share markets rose further in September, shrugging off the unresolved NZ election and war of words between the United States and North Korea. The positive underlying factors driving the world economy have continued to show, supporting investor confidence and fund returns.

In a flashback to themes from earlier in the year, Donald Trump launched a much-anticipated new plan to cut taxes for US businesses, adding a potential further positive for share investors. Given the positive economic outlook, Janet Yellen, chair of the US Federal Reserve, also reconfirmed expectations for interest rates to continue to gradually rise, which would be reinforced if Trump’s tax plan is implemented.

We have bought shares in horticultural company Scales Corporation within your NZ share investments. The purchase took advantage of a dip in the company’s share price, and we expect its earnings to rise over time as it benefits from growing apple sales in its key export markets of Asia and the Middle East.

Disclaimer: This article has been prepared for the purpose of providing general information, without taking into consideration any particular investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs.  Any opinions contained in it are held as at the report date and are subject to change without notice.  This document is solely for the use of the party to whom it is provided.


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