Business Fire and General Insurance

The risks faced by business owners are even more extensive and complex than those faced by homeowners.

The risks faced by business owners are even more extensive and complex than those faced by homeowners.

Fires or floods can gut your warehouse. Stock can go missing or be stolen. Machinery can break down, putting a sudden halt to your production. It’s important to obtain insurance that covers all these possibilities, so you can sleep at night without worrying about what you might wake up to the next morning.

Beyond the usual risks involved in running a business, your insurance policy can cover you for things you might not have considered before. Corporate travel insurance provides travel cover not only for you, but also for your employees. Business motor vehicle insurance allows you to be compensated for damage to the vehicles that are so integral to many businesses. Rural insurance provides a safeguard for loss of livestock or farm-related equipment, and marine cargo insurance covers you for assets that are lost or damaged at sea.

There are almost as many types of business insurance as there are types of business. A Lifetime adviser can help you understand the differences, and choose the policy that’s best suited to your unique circumstances.

Contact our friendly and experienced team today for a no-obligation consultation.


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